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For example: 000000,B00,1,,27946
1) 000000 is password, default 000000
2) B00 is command
3) Type: open/close TCP (GPRS) connection. “1” is open, “0” is close
4) IP: server IP or domain
5) Port: server port
6) Between fields is comma without any space
For example: 000000,B01,internet
Part of APN only have APN name, don’t have APN user and APN password, leave the APN user and APN password blank.
For example: 000000,B03,30,300
Set time interval at every 30 seconds when the device moves, at every 300 seconds when the device stops.
1) Time interval more than 30s is suggested
2) Move time interval: tracking time interval under moving, unit is second, default 30 seconds
3) Stop time interval: tracking interval when the device stops, default 30 seconds
4) If field parameter is empty, the device will always upload data, no matter this device moves or stops.
Eg: 000000,B03,30
Device will upload data at 30 seconds interval always, ignore move/stop state.
FIFOTRACK PARAMETER TOOL lets you make a fast and easy configuration of tracker. Please download USB cable driver and install it before using parameter tool. To download the latest version of FIFOTRACK PARAMETER TOOL or USB cable driver click the link.
The Fifotrack A500 is a multifunctional 3G GPS tracker designed for a range of management applications including fleet, public transportation, school bus, taxi operation, vehicle insurance company, rent car management, and private car anti-theft. The device supports RS232 and 1-Wire protocols, enabling functionalities such as taking pictures, driver identification and management, impulse detection, and temperature monitoring. It covers standard vehicle tracking demands with features like fuel monitoring, harsh acceleration/braking alarm, driving behavior analysis, custom digital input, jamming detection, two-way calling, and OTA functions. It offers multiple functions in one device, such as support for camera, RFID, iButton reader, fingerprint scanner, ultrasonic fuel sensor, temperature sensor, fuel theft/filling alerts, over-speeding buzzer reminders, and two-way communication through microphone and speaker.
The exact server address and port for your device is specified in Unit Settings on the Hardware tab.
The list of possible addresses is below:
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