Account operations | GPS-Trace

Account operations

This subsection covers various operations related to the management and maintenance of accounts.

It includes tasks such as blocking or unblocking accounts, changing the client plan associated with an account, retrieving detailed information about account subscriptions, and obtaining statistical data.
It also includes other essential account management operations.

Client plan change on Forguard account

This endpoint allows partners to switch the client plan to another one within the Forguard account:

PUT /partner/accounts/{id}/client-plan

{id} - ID of Forguard account where the plan change will be applied.

The required fields for this request are the following:

  • tariff_plan_id: string - ID of the client plan you want to assign to the account. This ID can be obtained by using the GET /partner/client-plans endpoint.
  • app_id: string - ID of the application to which this tariff belongs. For the current moment, it is only Forguard.

Request example:

curl -X 'POST' \  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'X-AccessToken: <your token>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "tariff_plan_id": "52ffXXXXXXXXXXXXdc89",
    "app_id": "b901da51-ce00-4af2-b978-8d0fca8ae1ea"

200 Response:

  "data": {
    "account_id": 111111,
    "tariff_plan_id": "52ffXXXXXXXXXXXXdc89",
    "app_id": "b901da51-ce00-4af2-b978-8d0fca8ae1ea"

Block or unblock Forguard account

This endpoint is used to block/unblock a Forguard account. When account is blocked, the client cannot access Forguard account.
It's important to note that only activated Forguard accounts can be blocked.

PATCH /partner/accounts/{id}/set-blocked

{id} - ID of Forguard account you want to block or unblock.

The mandatory field for this request:

  • blocked: boolean - Indicates the state of the blocked status. Set to true to block the account and false to unblock it.

Request example:

url -X 'PATCH' \  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'X-AccessToken: <your token>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  "blocked": true

200 Response:

  "data": {
   "id": 11111,
    "pid": number,
    "link_app": null,
    "reg_apps": [
    "created_at": number,
    "updated_at": number,
    "ack": number,
    "subscriptions": {},
    "service_apps": [],
    "is_attached": false,
    "attached_at": null,
    "added_time": number,
    "is_premium": false,
    "type": 10,
    "tariff_plans": {
      "b901da51-ce00-4af2-b978-8d0fca8ae1ea": "string"
    "blocked": true,
    "blocked_at": null

  • id: unique identifier of the account.
  • pid: partner account ID associated with the account.
  • title: name/title of the account
  • description: description or additional information about the account
  • link_app: application ID upon initial self-registration.
  •  reg_apps: an array containing the IDs of the applications associated with the account. This indicates which applications the account has access to.
  • created_at: timestamp indicating the date and time when the account was created.
  • updated_at: timestamp indicating the date and time when the account was last updated.
  • ack: account activation date, represented as a timestamp.
  • subscriptions: object containing details about subscription associated with the account.
  • service_apps: array containing the applications associated with the account in which the service mode is enabled.
  • is_attached: boolean value indicating whether the account is linked by a partner.
  • attached_at: if applicable, this field represents the date when the account was linked.
  • added_time: timestamp indicating the date and time when the account was added.
  • is_premium: boolean value indicating the active premium status subscription of the account.
  • type: type of the account:
    • 10 - managed by partner account (Forguard)
    • 20 - partner account
    • null - Ruhavik/Petovik account
  • tariff_plans: object containing details about the client plan of the account, specifically related to Forguard. (“app ID”:”client plan ID”)
  • blocked: boolean value indicating whether the account is currently blocked.
  • blocked_at: this field indicates the date when the account will be automatically blocked.

Set blocked time for Forguard Account

This endpoint enables scheduling automatic blocking of Forguard account at a specified time.
Please note that only activated Forguard accounts can be blocked using this endpoint.

PATCH /partner/accounts/{id}/set-blocked-at

{id} - ID of Forguard account you want to schedule automatic blocking for.

The required field for this request:

  • blocked_at: number - timestamp indicating the date and time when the account will be automatically blocked. The "blocked_at" timestamp cannot be set to a value earlier than the current time. 

Request example:

curl -X 'PATCH' \  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'X-AccessToken: <your token>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "blocked_at": 1748120400

200 Response:

  "data": {
    "id": 11111,
    "pid": number,
    "link_app": null,
    "reg_apps": [
    "created_at": number,
    "updated_at": number,
    "ack": number,
    "subscriptions": {},
    "service_apps": [],
    "is_attached": false,
    "attached_at": null,
    "added_time": number,
    "is_premium": false,
    "type": 10,
    "tariff_plans": {
      "b901da51-ce00-4af2-b978-8d0fca8ae1ea": "string"
    "blocked": false,
    "blocked_at": 1748120400

  • id: unique identifier of the account.
  • pid: partner account ID associated with the account.
  • title: name/title of the account
  • description: description or additional information about the account
  • link_app: application ID upon initial self-registration.
  •  reg_apps: an array containing the IDs of the applications associated with the account. This indicates which applications the account has access to.
  • created_at: timestamp indicating the date and time when the account was created.
  • updated_at: timestamp indicating the date and time when the account was last updated.
  • ack: account activation date, represented as a timestamp.
  • subscriptions: object containing details about subscription associated with the account.
  • service_apps: array containing the applications associated with the account in which the service mode is enabled.
  • is_attached: boolean value indicating whether the account is linked by a partner.
  • attached_at: if applicable, this field represents the date when the account was linked.
  • added_time: timestamp indicating the date and time when the account was added.
  • is_premium: boolean value indicating the active premium status subscription of the account.
  • type: type of the account:
    • 10 - managed by partner account (Forguard)
    • 20 - partner account
    • null - Ruhavik/Petovik account
  • tariff_plans: object containing details about the client plan of the account, specifically related to Forguard. (“app ID”:”client plan ID”)
  • blocked: boolean value indicating whether the account is currently blocked.
  • blocked_at: this field indicates the date when the account will be automatically blocked.

Get account subscriptions

Retrieve information about the active subscription assigned to the account.
Currently, premium subscriptions are applicable to accounts with access to Ruhavik. Therefore, when retrieving subscription information for accounts with access to other applications, the response will be empty.

GET /partner/accounts/{id}/subscriptions

{id} - The identifier of the account

200 Response example:

 "data": [
      "account_id": 111111,
      "app_id": "5a5ca87f-7cbe-4540-ab5d-77bf4bf69884",
      "active": true,
      "type": "td-stripe",
      "subscription_id": "td-basic.yearly",
      "expiry": number,
      "purchase_data": {
        "order_id": "string",
        "auto_renew": boolean
      "data": {}

  • app_id: []: ID of the application to which the subscription belongs
  • account_id:  ID of the account
  • active: subscription status
  • type: type of subscription
    Could be one of the following:
    • custom: this represents a custom subscription from GPS-Trace.
    • google: indicates a subscription purchased through Google Play.
    • ios-store: indicates a subscription purchased through the App Store.
    • paypal: represents a PayPal subscription purchased through the website.
    • td_paypal (telematic dealer paypal): this indicates a PayPal subscription purchased through the Partner Panel by a dealer.
    • stripe: represents a Stripe subscription purchased through the website.
    • td_stripe (telematic dealer stripe): represents a Stripe subscription purchased through the Partner Panel by a dealer.
    • space (promo subscription): indicates a Promo subscription from the GPS-Trace team, available when creating a Premium Ruhavik account through the Partner Panel.
  • subscription_id: ID of the subscription
  • expiry: subscription expiration date
  • purchase_data: information about the purchase (order_id,  auto_renew)

Get accounts count

This method allows you to retrieve the count of accounts based on the filtering conditions specified in the request (e.g., all accounts, accounts with access to a specific application, activated or deactivated accounts, attached or unattached accounts)

GET /partner/accounts/count

Request body example:

curl -X 'GET' \  '' \ 
-H 'accept: application/json' \ 
-H 'X-AccessToken: <your token>'

200 Response:

  "data": 1

In the response, the number of accounts corresponding to your filter is included.

Get accounts limit

This endpoint retrieves the limits associated with a specific account.

GET /partner/accounts/{id}/limits

{id} - The identifier of the account
{app_id } - ID of the application (required)

Request example:

curl -X 'GET' \
'' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'X-AccessToken: <your token>'

200 Response:

  "data": {
    "account_id": number,
    "unit": 10,
    "geofence": 15,
    "user": 1,
    "triggers": 10,
    "unit_extra_fields": null,
    "unit_notify_settings": null

  • account_id: The identifier of the account.
  • unit: Maximum number of units user can create within this account
  • geofence: The maximum number of geofences allowed for this account.
  • user: The maximum number of users allowed for this account.
  • triggers: The maximum number of triggers allowed for this account.
  • unit_extra_fields: Additional fields.
  • unit_notify_settings: Account unit notify settings limit.