Company management | GPS-Trace

Company management

In Partner Panel company entity plays a crucial role.
When creating an account in Partner Panel, GPS-Trace platform automatically approves the company’s card with two necessary fields - company name and country. The approved company’s card enables the partner to:

  • benefit from the Forguard Trial version
  • invite existing Ruhavik/Petovik accounts to the Partner Panel
  • create Ruhavik/Petovik accounts with a Promo subscription (a premium subscription from the GPS-Trace platform valid for a month after account activation)
  • use the Service Mode. 

Additionally, the company’s card can be further supplemented with additional partner company information. If desired, the partner can be featured on the Partner Map, located on the website, allowing any site visitor (potential client) to find the partner and contact them through the provided contact details on the company card, which will be duplicated on Partner Map on the website.

Moreover, a filled company card plays a significant role in using Forguard solution. Thus, partner's clients using Forguard application will always see information about the partner within the application.

Company Info

The second card, which plays a crucial role in a partner's desire to use the Forguard solution, is the company's payment information card.
When filling out the information in the company's payment information card and upon approval by the GPS-Trace platform, the partner is given the opportunity to use the Forguard solution (manage Forguard accounts, utilize a flexible billing system, customize the application design for their clients, and much more) after agreeing to the offer.

Company Payment Info

Get company card information

This endpoint is used to get information about the company’s card in the Partner Panel.

GET /partner/company

200 Response example:

  "data": {
    "name": "Company",
    "address": "Chemin de la Lande de Langoyet, Langoyet, France",
    "coordinates": {
      "lat": 48.140432438188135,
      "lon": -2.7207960130671154
    "country_code": "FR",
    "approved": true,
    "created_at": number,
    "updated_at": number,
    "marketing_info": {
      "phones": [
      "areas": [
      "working_days": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ],
      "schedule": "9:00-18:00",
      "about": "Track your vehicle!",
      "shown": true
    "account_id": number

  • name: name of the company.
  • address: address of the company.
  • coordinates: geographical coordinates of the company's location.
    • lat: latitude coordinate.
    • lon: longitude coordinate.
  • country_code: country code of the company's location.
  • approved: Indicates whether the company is approved (true/false).
    Any changes made by partners to the company's profile later are reviewed by the GPS-Trace team and approved by them.
  • created_at: timestamp indicating when the company was created.
  • updated_at: timestamp indicating when the company was last updated.
  • marketing_info: marketing info about the company.
    • phones: array of phone numbers associated with the company.
    • areas: array of areas where the company operates. You can choose between the following list:
      • company.areas.installation
      • company.areas.selling
      • company.areas.maintenance
      • company.areas.soft
      • company.areas.other
    • working_days: array of integers representing the working days of the company (1 for Monday, 2 for Tuesday, etc.).
    • schedule: working schedule of the company.
    • about: brief description of the company.
    • shown: indicates whether the company's information is shown on the Partner Map (true/false).
  • account_id: unique identifier of the account associated with the company.

Update company card information

This endpoint is used to update partial information on the company’s card in the Partner Panel.

PATCH /partner/company

Request body example:

 "name": "Test Company",
 "marketing_info": {
   "website": "",
   "email": "",
   "working_days": [
   "phones": [
   "areas": [
   "schedule": "10 00 - 20 00",
   "about": "Ille-et-Vilaine, Brittany, Metropolitan France",
   "shown": true

  • name: name of the company.
  • marketing_info: marketing info about the company.
    • phones: An array of phone numbers associated with the company.
    • areas: An array of areas where the company operates. You can choose between the following list:
      • company.areas.installation
      • company.areas.selling
      • company.areas.maintenance
      • company.areas.soft
      • company.areas.other
    • working_days: An array of integers representing the working days of the company (1 for Monday, 2 for Tuesday, etc.).
    • schedule: The working schedule of the company.
    • about: A brief description of the company.
    • shown: Indicates whether the company's information is shown on the Partner Map (true/false).

The response contains the current information about the company. Any changes made to the company's card are first reviewed and approved by the GPS-Trace platform. Once approved, the updated information appears on the company's profile.

200 Response example:

  "data": {
    "name": "Test Company",
    "address": "Chemin de la Lande de Langoyet, Langoyet, France",
    "coordinates": {
      "lat": 48.140432438188135,
      "lon": -2.7207960130671154
    "country_code": "FR",
    "approved": true,
    "created_at": number,
    "updated_at": number,
    "marketing_info": {
      "phones": [
      "areas": [
      "working_days": [ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 ],
      "schedule": "9:00-18:00",
      "about": "Track your vehicle!",
      "shown": true
    "account_id": number

  • name: name of the company.
  • marketing_info: marketing info about the company.
    • phones: array of phone numbers associated with the company.
    • areas: array of areas where the company operates. You can choose between the following list:
      • company.areas.installation
      • company.areas.selling
      • company.areas.maintenance
      • company.areas.soft
      • company.areas.other
    • working_days: array of integers representing the working days of the company (1 for Monday, 2 for Tuesday, etc.).
    • schedule: working schedule of the company.
    • about: a brief description of the company.
    • shown: indicates whether the company's information is shown on the Partner Map (true/false).
  • address: address of the company.
  • coordinates: geographical coordinates of the company's location.
    • lat: latitude coordinate.
    • lon: longitude coordinate.
  • country_code: country code of the company's location.
  • approved: indicates whether the company is approved (true/false). Any changes made by partners to the company's profile later are reviewed by the GPS-Trace team and approved by them.
  • created_at: timestamp indicating when the company was created.
  • updated_at: timestamp indicating when the company was last updated.
  • account_id: unique identifier of the account associated with the company.

Get company payment information

This endpoint is used to get information about the company’s payment information in the Partner Panel.

When filling out the information in the company's payment information card and upon approval by the GPS-Trace platform, the partner is given the opportunity to use the Forguard solution (manage Forguard accounts, utilize a flexible billing system, customize the application design for their clients, and much more) after agreeing to the offer.

GET /partner/company/payment-info

200 Response example:

  "data": {
    "id": number,
    "verified": true,
    "agreement": true,
    "name": "string",
    "email": "string",
    "vat": "string",
    "reg_number": "string",
    "address": {
      "city": "string",
      "country": "string",
      "line1": "string",
      "line2": "string",
      "postal_code": "string",
      "state": "string"
    "created_at": number,
    "updated_at": number,
    "calculated_at": number,
    "invoiced_at": number,
    "data": {}

  • id: The unique identifier of the company.
  • verified: Indicates whether the company's payment information is verified (true/false).
  • agreement: Indicates whether the partner has agreed to the offer (true/false).
  • name: The name of the company.
  • email: The email address associated with the company.
  • vat: The VAT (Value Added Tax) number of the company.
  • reg_number: The registration number of the company.
  • address: The address details of the company.
    • city: The city of the company's address.
    • country: The country of the company's address.
    • line1: The first line of the company's address.
    • line2: The second line of the company's address.
    • postal_code: The postal code of the company's address.
    • state: The state or region of the company's address.
  • created_at: The timestamp indicating when the company was created.
  • updated_at: The timestamp indicating when the company was last updated.
  • calculated_at: The timestamp indicating when the billing information calculation was last updated.
  • invoiced_at: The timestamp indicating when the company was last invoiced.